The Caring Moms

How to Prep for a Baby When You Have a Disability

How to Prep for a Baby When You Have a Disability

By Ashley Taylor.....................................................................................................

It’s your first baby, and you think you may be overwhelmed. While it’s definitely a huge commitment to have a child, the good news is there are so many resources out there to help you, especially if you’re worried about how your disability will affect you and your little one. Take a look at some of the tips and advice below to help ease your anxiety.

How to Prep for a Baby When You Have a Disability


Adaptable Furniture and Fixtures

If you are one of many parents with limited mobility, investing in adaptable furniture for your coming baby will be a godsend. The market for these items is growing, but sometimes it’s easier to simply amend your own furniture and make it fit your specific needs. If you’re in a wheelchair, you may need a crib and changing station with extra room beneath to fit your chair. It’s essential that your furniture is at the right height, but don’t stop there. Think about how you’ll wash your baby. Will you use the tub? Will you get a basin to wash your baby in until he or she is bigger? Will you need help lifting your little one up? Thankfully, there are tools to help you maintain your independence and care for your baby.


Sooner than you think, your baby is going to be crawling and getting into things he or she shouldn’t the moment you blink. Get locks for your cabinets and make sure that all sharp corners are safely covered. It’s a good idea to think ahead and get your outlets protected as well, as babies can get into all sorts of mischief with anything small and metallic. For your sake as well as your baby’s, it’s also a good idea to secure large furniture and to make sure you have

non-slip rugs. This will help you as well, as carrying a newborn and navigating at the same time can be tricky.

Seek Help

Every parent or couple with a new baby needs help. It can seem impossible to handle everything that gets thrown your way. That’s why it’s important to plan out in advance where you can get help, whether it’s daily or occasional help. There are a growing number of services out there specifically for parents with disabilities, so make sure you research what may be applicable to your situation. If you have family nearby, you may want to ask if they could agree to come over weekly or monthly to help out with cleaning, cooking, or whatever else you might need.


It’s easy to brush off taking care of yourself by saying you have no time. Honestly, no parent ever seems to have a moment to spare. Yet, it’s very important for you to create time for yourself. If you are struggling with the stress of having a new baby, this is crucial. Nothing can kill joy like anxiety and pressure, and this should be a joyous time. At least twice a week, set aside time for just yourself or for yourself and your partner. Most likely, you know what best relaxes you, whether that’s exercising, reading a good book, or watching your favorite TV show. If not, there are plenty of ideas out there that you can have fun trying each week. Including your partner is a way you both can bond and have a little “you” time together to take a break from just being a parent.


It’s going to be scary and stressful at times, but there is no happiness like bringing forth this little life. You’re going to cherish your new baby, but make it all the easier to do so by preparing yourself and your home in advance. Read up as much as you can, update your furniture and home fixtures, and remember to breathe. You’re going to be fine

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